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Home >> CAS Registry Number Listing

Chemical Products Grouped by CAS Number

A CAS Registry Number is a unique identification number assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), US to every chemical substance described in the open scientific literature. It includes all substances described from 1957 to the present, as well as some substances as far back as the early 1800s. It is a chemical database of organic and inorganic compounds, minerals, isotopes, alloys, mixtures, and unstructured materials. CAS RNs are generally serial numbers with a check digit.The registry maintained by CAS is an authoritative collection of disclosed chemical substance information. It identifies more than 182 million unique organic and inorganic substances and 68 million protein and DNA sequences, plus additional information about each substance. It updates about 15,000 new substances every day.

chemBlink collects CAS Registry Numbers from the internet. It can easily search chemicals, CAS numbers, chemical furmulas and structures, as well as properties. It also provides a tool to check the format validity of any CAS number.

36-88-4 to 91-00-9 91-01-0 to 116-38-1 116-43-8 to 327-98-0
328-38-1 to 490-97-1 491-07-6 to 591-81-1 591-87-7 to 687-63-8
687-69-4 to 940-71-6 941-37-7 to 1310-65-2 1310-66-3 to 1780-36-5
1780-40-1 to 2343-89-7 2344-17-4 to 2941-29-9 2941-48-2 to 3646-30-8
3646-68-2 to 4464-18-0 4465-04-7 to 5391-88-8 5392-10-9 to 6152-90-5
6153-05-5 to 6942-99-0 6943-17-5 to 7778-18-9 7778-39-4 to 10310-21-1
10310-32-4 to 13368-42-8 13369-70-5 to 14589-38-9 14589-42-5 to 16648-53-6
16649-50-6 to 18653-75-3 18653-98-0 to 20924-56-5 20925-27-3 to 23516-80-5
23516-84-9 to 26377-33-3 26378-54-1 to 29908-11-0 29911-27-1 to 33693-04-8
33696-00-3 to 37112-31-5 37112-96-2 to 40491-34-7 40492-52-2 to 50328-50-2
50329-18-5 to 52836-31-4 52840-38-7 to 55722-32-2 55722-48-0 to 58749-33-0
58751-56-7 to 62003-27-4 62003-89-8 to 65273-67-8 65275-12-9 to 68412-01-1
68412-17-9 to 71637-34-8 71643-66-8 to 75601-36-4 75602-60-7 to 80126-50-7
80126-51-8 to 84246-29-7 84249-14-9 to 88493-55-4 88495-54-9 to 92609-77-3
92611-10-4 to 98041-44-2 98041-67-9 to 103423-06-9 103426-20-6 to 109592-60-1
109605-79-0 to 116611-55-3 116611-57-5 to 124053-49-2 124070-52-6 to 132118-52-6
132123-39-8 to 139893-81-5 139911-27-6 to 148639-07-0 148639-72-9 to 158171-14-3
158171-15-4 to 170569-87-6 170569-88-7 to 183288-44-0 183288-46-2 to 200052-70-6
200064-11-5 to 214623-57-1 214629-29-5 to 249291-85-8 249296-44-4 to 300816-15-3
300819-83-4 to 354574-58-6 354574-59-7 to 438565-33-4 438577-61-8 to 517920-70-6
517920-71-7 to 666711-17-7 666714-64-3 to 785766-87-2 785774-74-5 to 860612-22-2
860624-90-4 to 884494-89-7 884494-94-4 to 914348-95-1 914348-96-2 to 944465-42-3
944480-10-8 to 1014645-87-4 1014689-18-9 to 1060804-48-9 1060804-74-1 to 1138220-69-5
1138245-13-2 to 1190319-56-2 1190319-59-5 to 1229705-06-9 1229937-09-0 to 1286281-32-0
1286694-67-4 to 1392213-15-8 1392213-93-2 to 1638587-36-6 1638677-61-8 to 2379717-75-4
2380027-49-4 to 2991356-61-5

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