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Category of Chemicals


APIs, or Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, are the heart and soul of the pharmaceutical industry. These vital chemical compounds form the foundation of modern medicine. APIs are the biologically active components of pharmaceuticals, responsible for the therapeutic effects in the human body. What makes APIs so crucial is their ability to target specific diseases and conditions with precision. They are meticulously designed, synthesized, and tested to ensure both efficacy and safety. The process of developing an API is a complex journey, involving rigorous research, meticulous testing, and regulatory approvals. In essence, APIs bridge the gap between scientific discoveries and tangible medical solutions. They transform knowledge and research into tangible remedies that alleviate suffering and promote well-being.

Sub-categories of API
Respiratory medication Hormone and endocrine-regulating drugs Antipyretic analgesics Antiallergic
Antiparasitic drug Antibiotics Antineoplastic agents Anesthetic agents
Urinary system medication Other chemicals Synthetic anti-infective drugs Nervous system medication
Water, electrolyte and acid-base balance regulator Vitamins and minerals Digestive system medication Blood system medication
Circulatory system medication Diagnostic medication Special medicine Drugs that affect tissue metabolism
Feed drug additive Anti-stress drug Immune function drug Veterinary drug raw materials
Inhibitor drug
Products of API
CAS No.Product NameMolecular Formula

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