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Acidity regulator

食品香料是天然或合成的调味成分,可为菜肴增添独特的味道和香气。 这些物质包括草药、种子、根茎等,提升了食物的感官体验。 香料通常用于甜味和咸味菜肴中,其范围可以从温和到辛辣,提供了无尽的烹饪创造力。 香料在历史上因其能够将简单的食材转化为丰富可口的菜肴而备受推崇,成为许多全球美食的基石。 无论是甜点中肉桂的温暖,还是美味菜肴中辣椒的辛辣,香料都是美食世界的关键角色。 Acidity regulators, also known as pH control agents, are food additives that help adjust and maintain the acidity or alkalinity of food and beverage products. They are essential for achieving the right taste, texture, and safety in various items, from canned vegetables to soft drinks. By controlling pH levels, acidity regulators can enhance flavor, preserve food, and maintain product consistency. Common examples include citric acid, tartaric acid, and sodium citrate.

Products of Acidity regulator
CAS No.Product NameMolecular Formula
147-71-7D-Tartaric acidC4H6O6
39469-81-3Metatartaric acid
533-96-0Trisodium hydrogendicarbonate dihydrateNa2CO3.NaHCO3.2(H2O)
617-48-1DL-malic acidC4H6O5

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