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Antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins, are Y-shaped proteins produced by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign substances like pathogens and toxins. They play a crucial role in immune responses, aiding in the recognition and destruction of invaders. Antibodies have diverse applications in research, diagnostics, and therapy, including monoclonal antibodies used as targeted treatments for diseases like cancer and autoimmune disorders. They are integral to our understanding of immunology and the development of cutting-edge medical interventions.

Sub-categories of Antibody
Primary antibody Enzyme secondary antibody Apoptosis and autophagy Cell metabolism
Chromatin / epigenetic / cell cycle Cytoskeleton/extracellular matrix MAPK and PI3K/Akt pathway Neuroscience
Immunity and inflammation PKC, calcium ion and lipid signaling pathway Stem cells, development and differentiation Protein translation, folding and degradation
Other categories of primary antibodies

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