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List of Chemical Product Names (Page P4)

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Product Name CAS Registry Number Molecular Formula
Pandamarilactonine A 303008-80-2 C18H23NO4
Pandamarilactonine B 303008-81-3 C18H23NO4
Panduratin A 89837-52-5 C26H30O4
Paniculal 6724-42-1 C11H8O4
Paniculidine A 97399-93-4 C14H17NO2
Paniculidine B 97399-94-5 C14H19NO2
Paniculidine C 97399-95-6 C13H17NO
Paniculoside I 60129-63-7 C26H40O8
Paniculoside II 60129-64-8 C26H40O9
Paniculoside III 60129-65-9 C26H38O9
Panipenem 87726-17-8 C15H21N3O4S
Panitumumab 339177-26-3
Panobinostat 404950-80-7 C21H23N3O2
Panogen 502-39-6 C3H6HgN4
D-Panose 33401-87-5 C18H32O16
D-Pantethine 16816-67-4 C22H42N4O8S2
Panthenol 16485-10-2 C9H19NO4
DL-Pantolactone 79-50-5 C6H10O3
D-(-)-Pantolactone 599-04-2 C6H10O3
Pantoprazole 102625-70-7 ( / 154644-14-1) C16H15F2N3O4S
Pantoprazole Impurity 24 15931-25-6 C7H8N2O4
Pantoprazole Impurity 27 1166386-02-2 C15H15N3O3S
Pantoprazole Impurity 5 1806469-15-7 C8H6F2N2O2
Pantoprazole N-oxide 953787-60-5 C16H15F2N3O5S
(S)-(-)-Pantoprazole sodium 160488-53-9 C16H14F2N3O4S.Na
Pantoprazole sodium 138786-67-1 C16H35F2N3NaO4S
Pantoprazole sodium hydrate 164579-32-2 2(C16H14F2N3NaO4S).3(H2O)
Pantoprazole sulfone 127780-16-9 C16H15F2N3O5S
D-Pantothenic acid 79-83-4 C9H17NO5
Pantothenic acid-13C4,15N hemicalcium salt 356786-94-2 13C6C12H32Ca15N2O10
DL-Pantothenyl ethyl ether 667-84-5 C11H23NO4
Pantothenyl ethyl ether 667-83-4 C11H23NO4
Papain 9001-73-4
Papaverine 58-74-2 C20H21NO4
Papaverine hydrochloride 61-25-6 C20H21NO4.HCl
Papaveroxine 106982-92-7 C22H25NO7
Papaveroxinoline 106982-93-8 C24H29NO8
Pape-ethyl carbamate 2206827-12-3 C16H17N3O4
Paprotrain 57046-73-8 C16H11N3
Papyracillic acid A 960148-59-8 C11H14O5
Paraben Impurity 1 334948-52-6 C13H18O8
Paracetamol EP Impurity M 1752-24-5 C12H11NO2
Paracetamol EP Impurity N 3070-86-8 C16H16N2O3
Paracetamol EP Impurity O 2575516-61-7 C16H16N2O4
[2.2]Paracyclophane 1633-22-3 C16H16
Paradol 27113-22-0 C17H26O3
Paraffin oil 8012-95-1
Paraffin wax 8002-74-2 ( / 12704-91-5) C31H64
Paraffin waxes and Hydrocarbon waxes, chloro, reaction products with naphthalene 68938-42-1
Paraffin waxes and Hydrocarbon waxes, microcryst., silicic acid-treated 97862-96-9

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