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List of Chemical Product Names (Page P5)

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Product Name CAS Registry Number Molecular Formula
Paraffin waxes (coal), brown-coal high-temp. tar, carbon-treated 97926-76-6
Paraffin waxes, oxidized, calcium salts 68476-81-3
Paraformaldehyde 30525-89-4 (CH2O)n
Paraherquamide 77392-58-6 C28H35N3O5
Paraldehyde 123-63-7 C6H12O3
Paramethasone 53-33-8 C22H29FO5
Paramion 604-92-2 C24H38N2.I2
Paraquat 4685-14-7 C12H14N2
Paraquat dichloride 1910-42-5 C12H14Cl2N2;C12H14N2.2Cl
Paraquat methosulfate 2074-50-2 C14H20N2O8S2
Para Red 6410-10-2 C16H11N3O3
Pararosaniline Base 467-62-9 C19H19N3O
Parasin I 219552-69-9 C82H154N34O24
Parathion 56-38-2 C10H14NO5PS
Parathion-methyl 298-00-0 C8H10NO5PS
Parathion S 3270-86-8 C10H14NO5PS
Parathormone (human) 68893-82-3 C408H674N126O126S2
Parathormone (rat) 89899-56-9 C405H668N122O126S3
Parathyroid 9002-64-6
Para-Vortioxetine Impurity 1815608-51-5 C18H22N2S
Parbendazole 14255-87-9 C13H17N3O2
Pardoprunox 269718-84-5 C12H15N3O2
Pardoprunox hydrochloride 269718-83-4 C12H15N3O2.HCl
Parecoxib 198470-84-7 C19H18N2O4S
Parecoxib Impurity 15 26306-06-9 C14H13NO
Parecoxib Impurity 18 2338845-31-9 C32H24N2O4S
Parecoxib Impurity 25 2235371-89-6 C19H18N2O4S
Parecoxib Impurity 27 477594-28-8 C19H18N2O4S
Parecoxib Impurity 36 2229657-81-0 C19H18N2O4S
Parecoxib Impurity 43 181695-84-1 C16H14N2O3S
Parecoxib Impurity K 198471-69-1 C17H16N2O3S
Parecoxib sodium 198470-85-8 ( / 197502-82-2) C19H17N2O4S.Na
Parecoxib Sodium Impurity 84 2242749-01-3 C16H14N2O3S
Parecoxib Sulfonamide 181696-12-8 C16H14N2O3S
Pargylamine 555-57-7 C11H13N
Pargyline hydrochloride 306-07-0 C11H13N.HCl
(Z)-Paricalcitol 1884139-61-0 C27H44O3
Paricalcitol 131918-61-1 C27H44O3
Paricalcitol Impurity 13 1192803-39-6 C39H72O3Si2
Parisaponin I 561007-63-4 C50H82O22
Parishin 62499-28-9 C45H56O25
Parishin B 174972-79-3 C32H40O19
Parishin C 174972-80-6 C32H40O19
Parishin D 952068-64-3 C20H20O9
Parishin E 952068-57-4 C19H24O13
Parispseudoside C 1206707-59-6 C57H90O26
Parisyunnanoside B 945865-37-2 C50H80O21
Paritaprevir 1216941-48-8 ( / 1221573-85-8) C40H43N7O7S
Paritaprevir dihydrate 1456607-71-8 C40H43N7O7S.2(H2O)
Parkeol 514-45-4 C30H50O

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